Net Impact Germany was established in 2012. The organization has acted as the Professional Chapter of Net Impact in Berlin and connected academicians, students and practitioners that work for mainstreaming universal principles on sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
As a response to the increasing importance of (social) entrepreneurship and (social) innovation and growing impact of entrepreneurs and innovators in bringing about positive change, the organization has evolved its focus over the years.
Today, it concentrates on raising communities’ awareness on global challenges humanity is facing today and generating behavioral change for a sustainable future. It focuses on implementing educational projects with international partners and engaging diverse stakeholder groups in the realization of globally set priorities such as sustainable development goals.
With our work, we try to support “META IDEAS”, ideas that present ways of supporting the production and transmission of other -working- ideas with a positive impact. We seek to connect the best entrepreneurs and innovators globally and empower them to change the world for the better.
Net Impact Germany is a non-governmental organization with the mission of creating cross-sectoral and cross-border synergies, and thereby, developing innovative and sustainable solutions for global challenges humanity is facing.